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Bible Basics (5th. ed.)

Study 1: God || Study 2: The Spirit Of God || Study 3: The Promises Of God || Study 4: God And Death || Study 5: The Kingdom Of God || Study 6: God And Evil || Study 7: The Origin Of Jesus || Study 8: The Nature Of Jesus || Study 9: The Work Of Jesus || Study 10: Baptism Into Jesus || Study 11: Life In Christ   9.1 The Victory Of Jesus || 9.2 The Blood Of Jesus || 9.3 Jesus As Our Representative || 9.4 Jesus And The Law Of Moses || 9.5 The Sabbath || Digression 17 The Crucifix || Digression 18: Was Jesus Born On Dec. 25th? || Doctrine In Practice 15: The Meaning Of Christ’s Resurrection For Us || Doctrine In Practice 16: Christ Died For Me- So What Should I Do? || Doctrine In Practice 17: The Real Cross || Doctrine In Practice 18: The Inspiration Of The Cross

STUDY 9: Questions

1. Why was the death of Jesus, rather than of any other man, required for our salvation?

2. Why were the animal sacrifices of the Law of Moses not sufficient to take away sin?

3. Was Jesus our representative or our substitute when he died?

4. Which of the following statements is true?

a) Christ died instead of us dying

b) Christ represented us, so God can forgive us for his sake

c) Christ was like us but does not represent us

d) Christ's death meant that God will no longer hold any human being guilty for sin.


5. How can we benefit from the death and resurrection of Jesus?

6. When Christ died on the cross, did he

a) End the smaller commands of the Law of Moses but not the 10 commandments

b) End all of the Law of Moses including the ten commandments

c) End the Law of Moses except for the Jewish feasts

d) Have no effect on the position of the Law of Moses?


7. Must we keep the Sabbath now in order to be saved?

8. Give reasons for your answer to question 7.

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